We know the strength, struggle and courage of all those who have faced this great test, which measures our mettle and requires us to be united, and in turn, to be separated.

At Hospital CIMA its mission is clear, and it is to provide medical and hospital services, distinguished by excellence in quality, safety and professional ethics, with highly qualified personnel supported by advanced technology, complying with the highest national and international standards.

Each decision of the council sets its sights on this mission and guarantees the highest possible level, to achieve this there is only one way: to demand extraordinary and precise measures, which are adapted to current needs and in it the following is highlighted:

1.- The formation of a COVID-19 committee, with the leadership of the General Directorate, Medical Directorate and the participation of the different areas and services of the Hospital whose main function is to design and establish a Hospital preparedness and response plan, to caring for patients with COVID-19. This committee remains in permanent session as long as the contingency remains latent.

2.- The opening of a specialized Epidemiological Control Center to care for patients with suspected COVID-19, and treat those who have contracted the disease, this is an independent space from the hospital and with its own strict hygiene measures.

3.- The constant training of the cleaning staff, this allows to keep all the areas of the Hospital, clean and disinfected.

4.- Internal campaign for the use of mouth covers inside and outside the Hospital.

We must not lower our guard, since we are fighting with an invisible enemy, we must all work towards the same objective and that is #mecuidoparacuidartecima.